Seed Fund Support. As of November 2017, the Economic Development Administration has invested $10 million into the Seed Fund Support competition. The funding is used to increase availability of and access to regional risk capital for early-stage companies. EDA has invested $2 million in 2014, $2 million in 2015, $2 million in 2016, and $4 million in 2017. Overall, $10 million has been invested by EDA with local match of $13 million that equates to a total, leveraged investment of $23 million into the Seed Fund Support program. The Seed Fund Support grantees have raised over $50 million in seed capital funding, and have made 140 investments totaling $20 million into early stage companies. Seed Fund Support provides funding for technical assistance, operational costs, marketing, and outreach related to the planning, formation, launch, or expansion of cluster-based seed capital funds that deploy capital to high-growth startups. For more information, please visit