Program | # of Grants | EDA Funds |
Assistance To Coal Communities | 2 | $100,000 |
Economic Adjustment Assistance | 3 | $4,304,576 |
Partnership Planning | 8 | $1,056,932 |
Public Works | 4 | $7,830,878 |
Technical Assistance | 3 | $258,000 |
Trade Adjustment Assistance | 2 | $1,653,556 |
Total | 22 | $15,203,942 |
Flint, Michigan has suffered a population loss of nearly 95,000 residents over a 55-year span. Twice in the past decade, Flint has been under a formally declared state of financial emergency, with the most recent declaration in 2015. The City is currently dealing with a water infrastructure and community health crisis that could take years to resolve.
In September 2016, EDA invested $1,900,000 in Public Works funds to Kettering University to construct a General Automotive Research Area to include a 19-acre automotive research facility and testing grounds. At the time of the award, four Fortune 500 companies had expressed significant interest in formalizing a working relationship with Kettering to test, validate, and research new and emerging automotive technologies at the facility. These companies are developing new product lines, improving existing products, and competing to develop advancements in autonomous vehicles.
The project will help revitalize the City of Flint and assist with the redevelopment of the Chevy in the Hole property, a former GM bankruptcy site. The City of Flint estimates that 15 jobs will be created, 15 jobs will be saved, and up to $2,000,000 in private investment will be leveraged by the project.