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Program # of Grants EDA Funds
Partnership Planning 16 $1,155,000
Public Works 1 $2,083,000
Regional Innovation Strategies 1 $447,231
Technical Assistance 1 $125,000
Total 19 $3,810,231

The City of Tigard is an inner ring suburb in the Portland Metropolitan region. In July 2015, the City’s largest employer, Capital One, announced it would soon close its Tigard call center, resulting in the exodus of 900 jobs. Tigard has been working to make its underutilized Hunziker Industrial Core ready for development. Though the industrial area has ready access to freight networks and is strategically located within the Portland region’s urban growth boundary, the City had not been able to find funding for the infrastructure improvements necessary to develop it. The loss of the City’s largest employer increased the urgency to identify new opportunities for economic development.

In September 2016, EDA invested $2.083 million in Public Works funds to support the City of Tigard’s infrastructure improvements in the 138-acre Hunziker Industrial Core, and increase the region’s industrial business development capacity. These funds were targeted to cover costs of new public access, transportation, sewage, and water services.

The investment is expected to create 152 new jobs, save 4 jobs, and leverage $36 million in private investment. These infrastructure investments are also projected to stimulate private investment, increase employment, and develop the local economy.

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