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Program # of Grants EDA Funds
Assistance to Coal Communities 1 $1,116,675
Public Works 2 $1,123,838
Regional Innovation Program 2 $931,970
Technical Assistance 2 $236,000
Trade Adjustment Assistance 1 $1,323,352
Planning 12 $1,744,000
Grand Total 20 $6,475,835

Banks and Jackson Counties, GA - The population of Northeast Georgia located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains has long suffered from high rates of unemployment, low educational attainment and extremely low per capita income. Addressing these long-term and deeply ingrained challenges is not easy, nor are there any quick solutions. Through the thoughtful and aggressive actions of local leadership from the counties of Banks and Jackson, efforts to recruit and secure the location of several national and international firms by taking advantage of regional assets such as available land, high quality of life and abundant natural resources have proven successful economic development strategies. One such example is the recent expansion of an international agriculture business firm in the region. The company’s headquarters are located in France and it is also the first tenant to locate in the 124-acre Banks Crossing Business Park.

In August 2017, EDA invested $1,000,000 in Public Works funds that will help construct a pre-treatment facility intended to treat waste from the food manufacturing plant before it enters into the city’s collection system. The project also received additional assistance from the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission.

As a result of this project, it is estimated that the company will create nearly 100 jobs and privately invest $50 million in facilities, machinery and equipment representing a substantial foreign direct investment in rural America.

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