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Program # of Grants EDA Funds
Assistance to Coal Communities 1 $2,000,000
Economic Adjustment Assistance 2 $848,563
Public Works 1 $2,511,393
Regional Innovation Program 4 $1,799,919
Technical Assistance 2 $230,000
Planning 6 $230,761
Grand Total 16 $7,620,636
Caption below
Proposed Youngstown State University Excellence Training Center in Youngstown, Ohio

Mahoning County, OH - The communities within the Appalachian region suffer from two primary economic conditions, including the loss of traditional manufacturing and a reduction in industries and services dependent on coal mining. The dynamics of increased demand and decrease in supply of skilled advanced manufacturing workers due to retirement further emphasize the need for a new pipeline of trained personnel in advanced manufacturing technologies. This region faces shared ongoing economic struggles due to the loss of labor-intensive industries over the past several decades.

In September 2017, EDA invested $2,000,000 in Assistance to Coal Communities funds to Youngstown State University and the County of Mahoning to fund an advanced manufacturing training space for the proposed Youngstown State University Excellence Training Center (ETC) in Youngstown, Ohio. The ETC will help to address the region's unemployment and low income issues by increasing training opportunities for displaced workers and distressed residents who need enhanced skills to be competitive in the new advanced manufacturing economy. The center will effectively increase the number of people with in-demand advanced manufacturing knowledge and skills, and create a pipeline of skilled workers prepared to take on high-demand advanced manufacturing jobs.

The EDA investment will fund renovation and construction activities necessary for the conventional manufacturing training factory secure group project space, and instructional and general use space. A complementary Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) project will fund the high bay advanced manufacturing training space for the training Center.

Local businesses have estimated the training available at the ETC will enable the retention of 93 jobs and creation of 95 new, high-paying positions. Additionally, investments in equipment upgrades, and new and used machinery will combine with the new and retained jobs to result in nearly $15,000,000 in private investment.

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