Program Category | # of Grants per state | Sum of EDA $ |
Economic Adjustment Assistance | 2 | $376,100 |
Planning | 1 | $85,000 |
Technical Assistance | 1 | $125,000 |
Grand Total | 4 | $586,100 |
In recent years, Maui County has experienced severe job losses, particularly following the closure of the last sugar plantation in Hawaii, which led to an estimated loss of 675 jobs. To address the needs of displaced agricultural workers, the University of Hawaii Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii sought assistance with promoting and supporting entrepreneurship and export development through the creation of a packaging and marketing center at the University.
In FY 2018, EDA awarded $210,000 in Economic Adjustment Assistance funds to the University for the purchase of equipment for the Maui Food Innovation Center at the University of Hawaii’s Maui campus. The facility is a product development and manufacturing site for agribusiness and food entrepreneurs. The innovation project helps to bolster a food production-to-consumption value chain and support food-business entrepreneurship and innovation throughout the region.
EDA’s funding is significantly leveraged by over $7 million in other funding contributing to the development of the Center and is estimated to contribute directly to 32 of the over 270 new jobs anticipated to be created as a result of this public initiative.