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Program Category # of Grants per state Sum of EDA $
Planning 7 $445,000
Public Works 2 $1,588,609
Technical Assistance 3 $342,500
Grand Total 12 $2,376,109
Kansas City of Emporia Water Tank Kansas City of Emporia Water Tank

Emporia is a strategically located community in East-Central Kansas. Its proximity to major interstates and rail has made it a regional employer and home to a diversified value-added agricultural manufacturing base with major brands operating from the city. Over the past decade, Emporia has suffered periodic job loss from the manufacturing sector, but it has maintained or grown in other industries. Even so, the per capita income remains below the U.S. average.

In FY 2018, EDA awarded $1,341,000 in Public Works funds to the City of Emporia to create more job growth and business expansion by building a new one-million-gallon water tower at a local industrial park. The new water tower will allow for three additional lots in the park to be developed, bringing new jobs and industry to this region.

In addition, one local manufacturer has committed to expanding, creating 100 jobs and spurring an expected $38 million in private investment.

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