Create New Mexico

Coalition Lead Applicant: Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Region (applicant-defined): New Mexico
Cluster Sector(s): Information Technology
Coalition Overarching Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)
Project Description:
Create New Mexico is a coalition of government departments, nonprofits, workforce development organizations, higher education institutions and economic development agencies led by the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation. The coalition proposes to grow New Mexico into a leader in the creative technology industry. If provided an implementation grant, the coalition proposes to execute on eight component projects to construct resilient infrastructure; expand business programs and opportunities; foster collaboration between R&D institutions and creative tech companies; attract greater investment and higher-paying jobs; and assist Native populations and rural communities with greater access to global consumer markets and economic opportunities. One of the main visions of the project is to create high-wage jobs and equip rural Native American communities with better access to economic opportunities.