Contact Us

We improve the livelihoods of Americans, strengthening communities, and driving innovation through locally-driven economic development.

U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Suite 71014
Washington, DC 20230

Office of the Assistant Secretary

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Office of Public Affairs

Human Resources

Office of Public Affairs

Email the web content manager for at [email protected]

Website owned by the Office of External Affairs, Public Affairs Division

Find local and regional assistance information by choosing a state from the map or selecting an option in the dropdown.

Seattle Regional Office

915 Second Avenue
Jackson Federal Building, Room 1890
Seattle, WA 98174
United States

Phone: (206) 300-7466
Fax: (206) 220-7669
Maiea Sellers
Acting Regional Director
Fax: (206) 220-7669

Shirley Kelly
Economic Development Representative
Phone: (206) 909-1805
American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Northern Mariana Islands, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau
Keoki Noji
Economic Development Representative
Phone: (808) 354-5339
Arizona, California
Jeff Hays
Economic Development Representative
Phone: (206) 999-2079
Idaho, Nevada
Carleen Herring
Economic Development Representative
Phone: (206) 798-7814
Oregon, Washington
J. Wesley Cochran
Economic Development Representative
Phone: (206) 561-6646