Success Stories

Displaying 1 - 10 of 25

May 14, 2024

EDA-Funded Opportunity Center in KY Opens Opportunities for Every Ability

The Muhlenberg County Opportunity Center (MCOC) first opened its doors in 1966, about 25 years before the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This non-profit organization in western Kentucky provides mentoring, vocational training, and jobs to adults with disabilities, serving as a critical connector to opportunities and services.
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Workforce Development
November 1, 2022

Paradise, California Leverages $1.8 Million EDA Grant to Secure $200 Million Investment

California has experienced its share of wildfires. Nothing, however, could prepare the Golden State for the devastation of the 2018 Camp Fire. The historic and unprecedented conflagration laid waste to a large section of mountainous and semi-rural Butte County, going down as the single most devastating fire disaster in state history.
  • Disaster Recovery
July 12, 2022

Maryland EDD Helps Eastern Shore Businesses Navigate the Pandemic

With just two employees, the Mid-Shore Regional Council (MSRC) may be among the smallest of EDA’s economic development districts. But by leveraging the strength of its regional partners, the MSRC makes an enormous impact on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
  • Economic Development Districts
June 30, 2022

Puerto Rico Welcomes First EDD

Economic Development Districts (EDD) play a vital role in the EDA grant application process. Comprised of multiple jurisdictions that often cross state lines, EDDs leverage the involvement of the public, private, and non-profit sectors to establish a strategic blueprint for economic development.
  • Economic Development Districts
March 1, 2022

2 EDA Grants to Savanna, Illinois, Spur Manufacturing Investment and Job Creation

About 10 years ago, the city of Savanna, Illinois, faced two economic development hurdles.

The first was a three-quarter-mile, pot-holed-filled street, called Wacker Road, that rumbled as trucks passed a school and homes to get to industrial businesses. The second was a dilapidated wastewater treatment plant that was built so close to the Mississippi River that it flooded frequently and caused back-ups across the city.
  • Disaster Recovery
February 15, 2022

After Two Power Plant Closures, Former Coal Community Gets its Second Wind

The town of Somerset is a small, waterfront community in southeastern Massachusetts. It was incorporated in 1790 but has a rich heritage dating back to the founding of America. Today, it is home to more than 18,000 residents, boasting a diverse population representing many cultures and communities.
  • Economic Development Districts