Success Stories

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

November 1, 2022

Paradise, California Leverages $1.8 Million EDA Grant to Secure $200 Million Investment

California has experienced its share of wildfires. Nothing, however, could prepare the Golden State for the devastation of the 2018 Camp Fire. The historic and unprecedented conflagration laid waste to a large section of mountainous and semi-rural Butte County, going down as the single most devastating fire disaster in state history.
  • Disaster Recovery
March 1, 2022

2 EDA Grants to Savanna, Illinois, Spur Manufacturing Investment and Job Creation

About 10 years ago, the city of Savanna, Illinois, faced two economic development hurdles.

The first was a three-quarter-mile, pot-holed-filled street, called Wacker Road, that rumbled as trucks passed a school and homes to get to industrial businesses. The second was a dilapidated wastewater treatment plant that was built so close to the Mississippi River that it flooded frequently and caused back-ups across the city.
  • Disaster Recovery
November 1, 2021

EDA Brings a New Spirit to West Virginia

White Sulphur Springs is a city in southeastern West Virginia, about two hours from Charleston. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, it is home to approximately 2,400 people, as well as the famed Greenbrier Resort. For several generations, it was a coal community, but like other parts of the state, it must now redefine itself.
  • Manufacturing
September 6, 2015

Raise The Road

Albert Einstein once said that “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” The...
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Infrastructure