Success Stories

Displaying 1 - 10 of 15

April 9, 2024

With EDA Support, Maine’s Marine Industry Reaches New Depths

The seafood industry is often described as the lifeblood of Maine, providing food to customers the world over. Generations of fishermen have sailed its waters in search of lobsters, crabs, scallops, and a variety of other fish. In recent years, the cultivation of oysters, mussels, seaweed, and other species has added to their hauls. Seafood, along with forestry, agriculture, and outdoor recreation, is one of the iconic natural resource-based industries that dominate the economy in the Pine Tree State.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
April 4, 2024

Multiple EDA Grants Transform Base Closure into Economic Opportunity in West Texas

The place-based investment is core to EDA’s mission, with our team working closely with local community leaders to ensure EDA’s grants support targeted economic development based on each community’s unique needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, which allows EDA’s grants to be flexible, dynamic, and meet the moment that’s called for in each community. In Lubbock, Texas, that has translated into multiple EDA investments, as leaders turn a painful Air Force Base closure into economic opportunity for the region.
  • Infrastructure
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Manufacturing
  • Workforce Development
February 21, 2024

Ski Park Starting New Run with EDA Investment

Frost Fire Park in Northern North Dakota has been driving tourism to the Pembina Gorge for nearly half a century. Located just five miles from the Canadian border, the weekend ski area attracts skiers and snowboarders from hundreds of miles away who not only enjoy winter sports but also frequent hotels, restaurants, and small businesses in the area. 
  • Infrastructure
December 10, 2020

At a Landlocked Port, Water is Vital

Grant County, Washington, is not where you would expect to find a port.

Best known as the nation’s most prodigious potato-producing...
  • Infrastructure
November 10, 2020

Native Village of Napaimute Sets Sail to Greater Prosperity with EDA Grant

For members of the Native Village of Napaimute — an Alaska Native tribe in Western Alaska — the forests of the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta are not only the heart and hearth of their ancestral home, they are also an important contemporary fixture of the village’s economy.
  • Infrastructure