Success Stories

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

December 10, 2020

At a Landlocked Port, Water is Vital

Grant County, Washington, is not where you would expect to find a port.

Best known as the nation’s most prodigious potato-producing...
  • Infrastructure
November 10, 2020

Native Village of Napaimute Sets Sail to Greater Prosperity with EDA Grant

For members of the Native Village of Napaimute — an Alaska Native tribe in Western Alaska — the forests of the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta are not only the heart and hearth of their ancestral home, they are also an important contemporary fixture of the village’s economy.
  • Infrastructure
August 1, 2016

TruFund Accelerates Innovative Programs in Louisiana

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded TruFund Financial a $500,000 EDA funded/$500,000 match grant in 2014 to assist with small business development and growth in Louisiana.
  • Workforce Development
September 6, 2015

Raise The Road

Albert Einstein once said that “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” The...
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Infrastructure
July 1, 2015

A Training Center of Their Own

If you create a job and no one has the skills needed to fill it, did you really create a job? Workforce development must be a critical focus of all economic development organizations. It’s imperative that workers receive training that matches the needs of employers.
  • Workforce Development