Success Stories

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

May 14, 2024

EDA-Funded Opportunity Center in KY Opens Opportunities for Every Ability

The Muhlenberg County Opportunity Center (MCOC) first opened its doors in 1966, about 25 years before the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This non-profit organization in western Kentucky provides mentoring, vocational training, and jobs to adults with disabilities, serving as a critical connector to opportunities and services.
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Workforce Development
April 9, 2024

With EDA Support, Maine’s Marine Industry Reaches New Depths

The seafood industry is often described as the lifeblood of Maine, providing food to customers the world over. Generations of fishermen have sailed its waters in search of lobsters, crabs, scallops, and a variety of other fish. In recent years, the cultivation of oysters, mussels, seaweed, and other species has added to their hauls. Seafood, along with forestry, agriculture, and outdoor recreation, is one of the iconic natural resource-based industries that dominate the economy in the Pine Tree State.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
April 4, 2024

Multiple EDA Grants Transform Base Closure into Economic Opportunity in West Texas

The place-based investment is core to EDA’s mission, with our team working closely with local community leaders to ensure EDA’s grants support targeted economic development based on each community’s unique needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, which allows EDA’s grants to be flexible, dynamic, and meet the moment that’s called for in each community. In Lubbock, Texas, that has translated into multiple EDA investments, as leaders turn a painful Air Force Base closure into economic opportunity for the region.
  • Infrastructure
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Manufacturing
  • Workforce Development
January 23, 2024

EDA Investment Brings Critical Job-Training Programs to Franklin County, Tennessee

Franklin County, Tennessee is a small community rich in history. Located about two hours from Nashville, it was first established in 1800 and named for one of the most famous Americans of that time—or any time—Benjamin Franklin. One of the earliest settlers was noted frontiersman Davey Crockett, who called Franklin County his home for more than four years.
  • Workforce Development
November 1, 2016

NDSU Research and Technology Park Spurs Groundbreaking Innovations

The University Center Economic Development Program at EDA helps make the resources of local universities available to the economic development communities in their areas. One such program is located in North Dakota.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
September 1, 2016

Pacific Northwest Diabetes Institute

In FY 2010, EDA provided a $2 million grant to the Pacific Northwest Diabetes Institute to fund the acquisition of new technology and upgrades of scientific equipment. The grant also funded instrumentation to support new hi-tech companies in their research facility and medical technology incubator.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
August 1, 2016

TruFund Accelerates Innovative Programs in Louisiana

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded TruFund Financial a $500,000 EDA funded/$500,000 match grant in 2014 to assist with small business development and growth in Louisiana.
  • Workforce Development
November 2, 2015

Ben Franklin Technology Partners: Growth Breeds Success for Entrepreneurs

Ben Franklin once said, "Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." It’s therefore fitting that an institution bearing his name, Ben Franklin Technology Partners (BFTP), has taken those words to heart.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
July 1, 2015

A Training Center of Their Own

If you create a job and no one has the skills needed to fill it, did you really create a job? Workforce development must be a critical focus of all economic development organizations. It’s imperative that workers receive training that matches the needs of employers.
  • Workforce Development