WT Enterprise Center Internationally Recognized for Advancements Made in Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation in the Texas Panhandle Region

Since receiving an EDA Public Works program investment in 2002, the WT Enterprise Center (WTEC) at West Texas A&M University has become a global leader in entrepreneurial development and business incubation.
With a successful track record of helping more than 60 local businesses, WTEC client companies support a total of 782 jobs and generated more than $140 million in annual revenue.
EDA support has provided the opportunity to expand services to meet entrepreneurs’ ever-changing needs and to fund new programs that support the ecosystem in the region.
The WTEC has been recognized on an international scale for its initiatives, receiving awards from the International Economic Development Council and the International Business Innovation Association.
Moving forward, the WTEC is committed to continuing to find ways to lead the thriving entrepreneur ecosystem in the Texas Panhandle and will remain a pillar of support for local entrepreneurs for years to come.