Economic Development Directory

State Government Office
EDA Regional Office
Economic Development Districts
- CCD Business Development Corporation
- Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
- Columbia-Pacific Economic Development District
- Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation
- Mid-Columbia Economic Development District
- Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments
- Northeast Oregon Economic Development District
- Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
- Greater Portland Economic Development District, Inc.
- South Central Oregon Economic Development District
- Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development, Inc.
Native American/Alaska Native Planning Grantees
- Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
- Coquille Indian Tribe
- Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians
- Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
- Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon
Trade Adjustment Assistance Center
University Center
Revolving Loan Fund Grantees
- Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Financial Services
- CCD Business Development Corporation
- Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC)
- Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation
- Lane Council of Governments
- Mid-Columbia Economic Development District
- Mid-Williamette Valley Council of Governments
- Northeast Oregon Economic Development District
- Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
- Oregon Business Development Department
- Portland Development Commission
- South Central Oregon Economic Development District
- Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development, Inc