Coal Communities Commitment
Coal Communities Commitment Exceeded!
Coal Communities Commitment Fact Sheet (PDF)

The U.S. Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Coal Communities Commitment was designed to allocate $300 million of its $3 billion American Rescue Plan appropriation — specifically, $200 million from the Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program and $100 million from the Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC) — to support coal communities as they recover from the coronavirus pandemic, and to help them create new jobs and expand opportunities for local businesses and members of the community.
As a result of the robust demand, EDA significantly exceeded this commitment, allocating $551.8 million of funding to coal communities across its six American Rescue Plan programs. This funding includes $208.3 million and 89 projects from EAA; $242.9 million across nine BBBRC phase 1 awards; and five BBBRC winners in Alaska, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Also, $100.5 million from EDA’s other American Rescue Plan grant programs is invested in or benefits coal communities.
Beyond the American Rescue Plan, EDA supports these communities through its Assistance to Coal Communities (ACC) initiative. Through ACC, EDA awards funds on a competitive basis to assist communities impacted by the declining use of coal through activities and programs that support economic diversification, job creation, capital investment, workforce development, and re-employment opportunities.
Program Resources
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Coal Communities Commitment Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Coal Communities Commitment Webinar
- One Pager (PDF)
More Information
Please visit the links below to learn more about the programs with dedicated funds to support coal communities.
Coal Communities Commitment programs:
- American Rescue Plan - Build Back Better Regional Challenge
- American Rescue Plan - Economic Adjustment Assistance
Other programs supporting coal communities:
- American Rescue Plan - Good Jobs Challenge
- American Rescupe Plan - Indigenous Communities
- American Rescue Plan - Statewide Planning, Research, and Networks
- EDA Assistance to Coal Communities initiative
- Please email inquiries about the American Rescue Plan Build Back Better Regional Challenge to [email protected].
- Please contact your state’s Economic Development Representative for more information about the American Rescue Plan Economic Adjustment Assistance program. Visit to find contact information for your Economic Development Representative.