Guilford College


Greensboro, NC

Project Name 

Guilford College Innovation and Technology Transfer Program

Award Amount

Federal Share: $218,583
Local Match: $218,636

This EDA investment will support Guilford College’s efforts to foster technology-based economic development, propel innovation-centric economies, and support technology entrepreneurship in the Greensboro/Guilford County area. This project will conduct comprehensive research and innovation asset mapping, which will identify existing initiatives and resources, enabling the college to leverage and enhance its innovation ecosystem with a focus on social entrepreneurship. Objectives include developing an asset overview of laboratory facilities and strengths to optimize technology transfer and commercialization. Additionally, a gap analysis will be conducted to identify technology transfer and innovation needs, laying the foundation for a potential Office of Technology Transfer (OTT), if deemed feasible.

Collaborating with academic departments, research centers, and regional entrepreneurial stakeholders, Guilford College seeks to maximize collective impact and align resources with regional assets. The project will build upon and leverage existing regional strengths and data-driven insights.

The anticipated outcomes include a comprehensive innovation asset map, an asset overview report, and a gap analysis report with determinations on the feasibility on an OTT.