Borderplex Region Workforce Recompete Plan

*2023 Recompete Finalist

Application Title: Borderplex Region Workforce Recompete Plan

Lead Applicant: City of El Paso

State(s) Served: Texas

Applicant-Defined Region: El Paso County, Texas

Contact: Elda Rodriguez-Hefner ([email protected])

The Borderplex Region Workforce Recompete Plan, led by the city of El Paso, requests approximately $50 million in funding to upskill residents for placement in good jobs in El Paso County, Texas. The coalition is focused on transforming critical workforce challenges that impact distressed communities by creating mobility through training in advanced manufacturing, aerospace, healthcare, and IT. Recompete funding would upscale training programs in these industries, expand wraparound services, and improve job creation and connection in collaboration with the region’s businesses. The proposed strategies address barriers identified in workshops and meetings with the public, education providers, employers, and other entities to connect the region’s workforce to emerging opportunities.

Recompete Plan Narrative - Phase 1 (PDF)

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