Grow Milwaukee Recompete Plan

*2023 Recompete Finalist and Strategy Development Grant Recipient

Application Title: Grow Milwaukee Recompete Plan

Lead Applicant: Northwest Side Community Development Corporation

State(s) Served: Wisconsin

Applicant-Defined Region: 87 Census tracts in Milwaukee, Wisconsin known as the “30th Street Industrial Corridor”  

Contact: Willie Smith ([email protected])

The Grow Milwaukee Recompete Plan, led by the Northwest Side Community Development Corporation, requests approximately $50 million to support business growth, modernize industrial sites, and create workforce pathways into quality jobs.  A history of segregation and business exodus separated the 30th Street Industrial Corridor from broader economic prosperity in the surrounding region. The Finalist will pursue a four-pronged strategy to reverse this trend with investments in both job growth and quality job training. The lead, a non-profit Community Development Financial Institution, will draw on a committed network to pursue its strategy with partners including the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership – Big Step, Milwaukee Area Labor Council AFL-CIO, the Milwaukee Bucks, Froedtert Health, and Rockwell Automation.

Recompete Plan Narrative - Phase 1 (PDF)

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