The Eastern Kentucky Runway Recompete Plan

*2023 Recompete Finalist

Application Title: The Eastern Kentucky Runway Recompete Plan

Lead Applicant: Shaping Our Appalachian Region

State(s) Served: Kentucky

Applicant-Defined Region: 12 persistent poverty counties in southeastern Kentucky

Contact: Colby Hall ([email protected])

The Eastern Kentucky Runway Recompete Plan, led by Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR), requests approximately $50 million to reduce barriers to employment and address skills mismatches in the healthcare and tech sectors in southeastern Kentucky. Residents in the area face significant barriers to employment, including transportation, childcare, housing, and skills gaps. The proposed investments will establish a small business accelerator focused on reducing those barriers, connect the un/underemployed to workforce training in collaboration with employers, digital skilling, and expand healthcare training facilities.

Recompete Plan Narrative - Phase 1 (PDF)

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