Baltimore Tech Hub

Lead Agency: Greater Baltimore Committee
State Served: Maryland
Applicant-Defined Region: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson MSA and Cecil County
Core Technology Area: predictive healthcare
Contact: Carter McClure ([email protected])
Media Contact: Nekoro Gomes ([email protected])
Organizational Link:
The Baltimore Tech Hub, led by the Greater Baltimore Committee, aims to become a global leader in innovative predictive healthcare technologies by applying equitable artificial intelligence to biotechnologies. Leveraging regional research universities and institutions; research and development expertise; and existing capital investments, this Tech Hub’s equitable technology model, or “Equitech,” will develop predictive healthcare technologies that can support clinical decision-making, bioethics, personalized medicine, new biologics, and therapeutics. The Baltimore Tech Hub seeks to catalyze commercialization of predictive healthcare technologies, improving equitable care delivery and national health outcomes.
The Baltimore Tech Hub seeks to forge a new direction for American healthcare innovation through reimagining biotechnology.
This consortium’s proposal includes plans to:
- Connect, mobilize, and leverage the region’s physical and programmatic assets to help founders and early-stage entrepreneurs start companies that produce and deliver innovative technologies;
- Create a startup advancement network working with entrepreneur support organizations;
- Reinvigorate the region’s manufacturing base by funding infrastructure projects for qualified companies progressing to commercial operations, upgrading existing facilities, and raising awareness about biotechnology and biomanufacturing careers in surrounding communities;
- Create equitable career pathways to biotech jobs that do not require four-year degrees; and
- Establish a Regional Innovation Office to provide shared processes, collaboration mechanisms, and formalize escalation and conflict resolution mechanisms.
To ensure that impacts of the Tech Hub projects benefit the entire region, the consortium is committed to focusing workforce initiatives on veterans, opportunity youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, returning citizens, and low-income families. The Tech Hubs seeks to lower barriers that would otherwise prevent members of underrepresented populations from entrepreneurship and other career pathways.
This summary is based on information submitted by the applicants.
Designee Narrative (PDF) (submitted by the designee in its Phase 2 application package)