Funding for 2018 Natural Disasters and 2019 Floods and Tornados

In June 2019, Congress passed the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019 providing EDA with $600 million in additional Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) Program funds for necessary expenses related to flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure in areas impacted by Hurricanes Florence, Michael, Lane, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other calendar year 2018 disasters under the Stafford Act and tornadoes and floods in calendar year 2019. This funding is in addition to EDA’s Disaster Supplemental Funding for 2017 disasters. Please learn about EDA’s funding for 2017 disasters.
Notice of Funding Opportunity
EDA is awarding $587 million in grants to eligible entities to address economic challenges in disaster-impacted areas. These grants will support disaster recovery activities in areas receiving a major disaster designation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, Michael, Lane, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, wildfires and other calendar year 2018/2019. Remember, not everything in calendar year 2019 is eligible. Just tornados and floods.
EDA disaster grants will be made by regional offices under the Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program. EAA funds can be awarded to assist a wide variety of activities related to disaster recovery, including economic recovery strategic planning grants, and public works construction assistance. Through this program, EDA can support both the development of disaster recovery strategies and the implementation of recovery projects identified with those strategies, including infrastructure improvements and by capitalizing revolving loan funds (RLFs). Projects, among other things, must have a nexus to applicable disaster recovery and resilience efforts and be consistent with at least one of the DOC Disaster Recovery Investment Priorities. EDA plans to accept proposals on a rolling basis until all funds are obligated.
- U.S. Department of Commerce Announces Availability of $587 Million to Aid Communities Impacted by Natural Disasters (Press Release)
- Read the official Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
Notice of Funding Opportunity Resources and Contacts
- EDA Investment Priorities
- EDA’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the FY19 Disaster Supplemental (PDF)
- A searchable FEMA database of Major Declared Disasters - Select “major” disaster for declaration type and appropriate year for Incident Begin and End dates. Areas with a major disaster declarations in 2018 are eligible; for 2019 disasters, only areas impacted by tornados and/or floods in 2019 are eligible for funding.
- FEMA Disaster Declarations Summary Table (csv) - Please check the Incident Type, Incident Begin Date and Incident End Date dates to locate eligible disasters occurring in 2019.
- EDA and Disaster Recovery and Resilience Resources
- Read EDA's Disaster Recovery Press Releases
- If you have specific questions about the grant process, please contact your regional offices
- Please visit EDA’s website for more information on EDA